alveoCCM-PUBLIC@ Advertising Management

Marketing users are offered the possibility of defining their advertising campaigns in detail, by indicating the terms of validity of the campaigns, the target groups, advertising channels to be used and advertising messages personalized according to each case.

The frequency of transmission of messages is determined by each campaign, target group and used advertising channel. Our solution is based on three basic concepts:

Advertising campaign
Target group
Advertising channel


what do we want to communicate?
to what collective?
through which channel?


Target Groups

Maximum flexibility in the selection of persons to direct advertising messages:

Through control filters associated to documents (type of form-product, destination zip code, customer segment, etc..).

Based on customer data extracted from CRM systems.

Communications Support

Use of a variety of ways to address target customers:

Printed cover pages in paper mail.

Mailings and flyers inserted into the automatic sealer&folding system

Dynamic imessages that leverage available blank space in document forms.

Campaign Management

Online tools managing and monitoring advertising campaigns:

Automated control over the life of the campaigns and frequency of deliveries.

Management priorities. Solving concurrency issues of overlapped campaigns.

Customer contacts tracking. “Robinson Lists” control .